Wednesday, 26 April 2006

Mindblogging Mumbai

Juz wanna say something about my exp in mumbai
  1. BEST bus strike the day we arrived...ended on Sat 10:30pm
  2. MBA can command a higher dowry
  3. traffic is bad
  4. Grand Hyatt is classy & out of place
  5. # of staff at hotel more than guests..
  6. generally clean at hotel and no smell but things are expensive
  7. for a 15 mins ride...we are charge Rs300 for a A/C small (like a mini) taxi...we juz felt being koto (local slang used commonly is Sg meaning being cheated)...but what to do...
  8. meal at hotel averages ard Rs700/pax - we have no time to venture outside
  9. I used insect repellent as perfume :p
There are good things too...
  • i discovered they have very good pens for writing...a good ball point pen will really lift my mood and make me write with better handwriting..given now that today technology makes us hardly use our hands to write...i still luv a good pen...anytime
  • there is this driver who fetch me to the exhibition venue - he asked to wait for my return and surprising, trusted me so much that he left the payment til the return trip. is he too trusting or do i looked like i can be trusted?
  • Bougainvillea - abundant and full of colors - remind me of singapore
  • still searching...

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